Inspired by Hundred Rabbits art collective wiki and log site, the intention of this page is to have a lightweight way to track and log creative output, ideas, doodles.
I had a couple of wants in mind:
- Zero cost to run and maintain.
- Full costumization control of the page.
- Write, posts and attach images from my phone
- Controlled easily with bash commands.
After some some conversation with the chatbot I went with static site generator Hugo. I relied heavily on the chatbot to help with a initial setup and then to deploy to github pages with automated actions. That mostly worked but I didn’t quite understand what what happening. But it showed me what was possible.
For a second setup I just used the Hugo documentation. It was easy to follow along and I got a proper undestanding of how the whole process worked. The theme i used is a slightly modified version of Mini.
To be able to post from my phone. I use Working Copy App which is a git client for iOS that closes the repositoriy to your Files directory. I then used shortcut to string to gether a series of actions.
- Text input for title
- Text input for post body.
- Ask if I want to include an.
- Then create and save a Markdown file with the input
- Commit and push
Since the github action rebuilds the site completly it takes about 30 seconds for the post to be live. I guess that’s very fast concidering.