Saturday Journaling

· 130 words · 1 minute read
Saturday Journaling

Deciding between 3 smaller project.

  • Dialogue boxes in Godot

This one would be practical and have pretty functional outcome. Using Godot would make it a bit novel too, even though I’m unsure I would use it for production. I can test out prototypes.

  • Research into the creative process of MGS2.

Seems like some daily diaries of Kojima from the time has recently been translated. Would be interesting to dive into that similar to my FLCL article. That took a while though, if I want to publish it.

  • research into MGS2 level design and how it’s weaved into the narrative.

An analysis of the how the story is laid in the space and how the game has been paced. It’s an analysis of the project instead of of behind the scenes.